TURKEY E-VISA: requirements + how to apply online
Okay, let’s go straight to the point.
Not everyone is eligible to apply for a Turkish e-visa. It is only available to those who have a valid visa or residence permit from the united states (USA), the united kingdom (UK), Ireland, or any Schengen country.
If you’re not holding a valid visa from any of the discussed countries, I’m scared you will have to apply for a sticker visa at the Turkish Embassy. Unfortunately, I can’t be of much help concerning that because I didn’t get to experience it. All I know is that the application begins by filling out this form: Turkey Visa Application Form.
If you’re holding a valid US/UK/Ireland/Schengen visa or residence permit, read on. here are the steps to get a visa completely online!
The process is the same for all these nationalities including Filipinos, although they might be a few changes in the prerequisites and duration of validity so please pay attention to details during your application.
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Republic of the Congo, the democratic Republic of the Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, east Timor, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Greek Cypriot administration of southern Cyprus, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Emirates (UAE), united kingdom (UK), Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Vins, all smiles while we walk around Istanbul
1. check out Turkey’s E-Visa Application Website.
The address is: www.evisa.gov.tr/en/.
Once it loads, enter your country, passport type, and safety and security verification code.
2. enter your travel date.
Your travel date should be within the next 3 months. You won’t be able to choose a date beyond that.
If you’re traveling over three months from now, you will have to wait until your travel date becomes clickable.
The validity of the e-visa will also be displayed. For example, in my case, because I’m holding a Philippine passport, my visa will be valid for 6 months (180 days), which implies I can enter Turkey anytime within that period. Not to be confused with the allowed “length of stay”, which is only 30 days. Again, that implies I can enter Turkey within the next 6 months, but once I do, I can only remain there not longer than 30 days.
3. Make sure you meet all the requirements.
The next page will display the list of prerequisites. You should meet ALL these requirements and be able to present them on your day of travel. Nu minti. even if you’re given an e-visa now, they may still deny you entry if you miss any of the following.
You have a valid passport that covers your travel period. (In PH case, your passport should also have at least 6-month validity.)
Bilet de întors.
Rezervare la hotel.
Funds of at least USD 50 per day of your stay in Turkey.
Valid supporting document. This may be a valid visa or residence permit from the US, UK, Ireland, or any Schengen country. In case I haven’t emphasized it enough, the visa has to be valid. It should also be in physical sticker form, not electronic. E-visas, even if they’re valid, will not be accepted. You will be showing it when you enter the country.
You won’t be submitting the return ticket or hotel reservation online or at any point during your application. You will be presenting these (and the supporting document) to the immigration Officers at the airport upon entering the country.
E-visas are available for tourism and company purposes only.
4. complete the Application Form.
On the next page, fill out the short form with your personal details. It is essential that you enter information exactly as they appear on your passport.
In case the info on your passport doesn’t match that on your e-visa, the e-visa will be considered void, so be very careful in typing your details.
When you click save and Continue, you will be asked to verify the info you entered. Make sure you double check that the details are exactly as they are on your passport.
Click Verify.
5. check Your Email.
You ought to receive an email asking you to verify your application. Click Approve.
If you don’t receive an email, check your Spam orFolder Junk.
6. Efectuați plata.
Când faceți clic pe Aproba pe e -mailul dvs., veți fi dus la pagina de plată. Completați formularul scurt și plătiți.
Prețul vizei este de 20 USD, plătibil folosind cardul de raport de credit MasterCard, Visa sau UnionPay.
7. Descărcați E-VISA.
După finalizarea tranzacției, veți fi dus într-o pagină care vă va spune că procesul s-a încheiat și că E-VISA este gata de descărcare. Faceți clic pe Descărcați E-VISA și veți primi un fișier PDF. Imprimați -l și voila! Există e-visa ta. Același fișier vă va fi trimis prin e -mail separat.
Visa arată astfel:
Când l -am folosit, primul lucru pe care m -a întrebat -o ofițerul de imigrație a fost dacă sunt un navigator. Am răspuns nu, apoi mi -a cerut pașaportul și susținerea vizei. Pentru că viza mea de susținere era în pașaportul meu vechi, anterior (pe care îl aduc mereu cu mine), a trebuit să -i înmânez și asta. De asemenea, mi -a verificat biletul înainte – am zburat în Maroc în continuare – l -am privit foarte pe scurt, a întrebat cât timp voi rămâne în Turcia și m -a lăsat să trec. Fără alte întrebări.
Asta e! încântați -vă în șederea dvs. în Turcia!
Notă: Când am mers în Turcia în 2016, am reușit să obțin un E-VISA turcesc folosind viza mea din Japonia, iar aplicația a fost netedă ca unt. Pe atunci, au acceptat orice viză din țările OCDE. Cu toate acestea: nu mai este cazul. Bănuiesc că au redus lista de vize acceptate de susținere recent. pacat!
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