FIRST TIME ABROAD: airport suggestions & frequently Asked questions

FIRST TIME ABROAD: airport suggestions & frequently Asked questions

traveling outside the Philippines for the first time? You might be very thrilled but I bet you’re a little anxious, too! There might be a lot of questions brewing in your head best now so here’s a little something to shed light on some of the things you need to know before your trip. (These suggestions are for Filipino travelers only.)

Every country has its own immigration rules. Some require visas from Filipino visitors, others don’t. Some have stricter rules, others don’t. It is essential that you know these guidelines and requirements before your flight.

But here are some frequently asked questions that I thought I could answer. Again, I’m only depending on personal experience and some knowledge that I gained in my years of working in the airline industry. some of these might already be outdated but I’ll try my best to keep them current.

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

What are the processes at the airport?
How early ought to I be at the airport?
What are the things that I ought to bring to the airport?
What are the typical questions that the immigration Officers ask?
What is offloading?
What can I do to make sure I won’t be offloaded by the Immigration?
Should I present all these files at the immigration booth?
Do I need to have a hotel reservation before my flight?
I’m invited by a relative or a friend, do I need an invitation letter?
Is there a show money? how much do I need to have for them to let me through?
Where ought to I exchange currencies? Is it best to exchange in the Philippines before the trip?
Should I bring an ID?
I’m a freelancer so I don’t have a company ID. What is a good alternative?
I’m a fresh graduate but I’m currently unemployed. Ce pot sa fac?
I’m unemployed and I don’t have funds. What are the requirements?
I’m traveling with my foreigner sweetheart / girlfriend / friend. What are the requirements?
My trip is sponsored by my foreigner sweetheart / girlfriend / friend. What are the requirements?
I’m meeting my sweetheart / girlfriend abroad for the first time. What are the requirements?
What is the weight limit for carry-on baggage (hand-carry)?
Where ought to I store my power bank (mobile charger)?
What ought to I wear?
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What are the processes at the airport?

The typical process is this:

Pay the travel Tax. IDEALLY, the travel tax and departure fee are already included when you book your ticket, so please check your ticket. but there are times when it isn’t the case. if not sure, check-in first. The check-in agent will tell you if you still need to work out the tax. At NAIA terminal 3, the travel tax counters ought to be on your far best when you’re facing the check-in counters. It’s P1,620 per person.

Verifica! present the departure Card together with the travel tax receipt, printed ticket and passport to the check-in agent. The agent will give you your boarding pass.

Fill out a copy of immigration form (aka departure Card). You will get it at the Check-in Counter. Note that you will need to indicate your address abroad (address of the hotel or the pal you’re visiting).

Proceed to the immigration Booths. They will be asking questions like: how long will you be staying abroad? Ce ai de gând să faci acolo? Care este ocupatia ta? Unde vei sta? The essential is to convince them that you’re going there to trip and not to find work. When they’re satisfied, they will put a stamp on your passport.

Final safety and security check. Remove all gadgets and metal items (including belts and coins) from your body. remove your shoes only when instructed.

That’s about it. It’s a long process and it involves a lot of queueing so make sure you’re at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight.

How early ought to I be at the airport?

At least 2 hours before your scheduled departure.

I personally like showing up at the airport 3-4 hours earlier just in case something untoward happens. I once lost my old passport and visa at the airport on two different occasions (yeah, I was careless, haha), but good thing I had enough time to search. Also, I like staying at airports. Hehe.

Update: In top season like the weeks before and after Christmas, it’s best to arrive at least 4 hours before your flight.

What are the things that I ought to bring to the airport?

I always have a checklist of items I should NOT forget.

Here are the most essential items.

Passport – Duh.

Visa – When applicable

Return flight Ticket – Make sure you print out the tickets. When I fly domestic, I typically just show the check-in agent the tickets on my phone. They accept it. but for international flights, you will be showing your tickets too numerous times (check-in counter, travel tax counter, departure fee counter, immigration, etc) that it would be impractical and ridiculously bothersome to whip out your phone every step of the way. A printed ticket will make it a lot simpler for you and the people who will check it. Besides, a piece of paper does not need to be charged.

Company ID – immigration Officers in some cases ask for a company ID as a proof that you would return to the Philippines and would not seek employment opportunities in your destination country.

Address and contact number abroad – If you’re traveling as a tourist, get the hotel’s exact address and contact number. If you’re going to a pal or relative and you’re staying with them, get their exact address and contact number. You will need it when filling out immigration forms.

DSWD Clearance – only when traveling with a minor who is not your child and the parents are not joining the trip.

Here are other things that you can bring for good measure.

Hotel reservation – If you’re traveling as a tourist.

Invitation letter – If you’re going to a pal or relative and staying with them.

Money – Of course! Make sure you have enough. My typical budget for a 3-day or 4-day trip abroad is US$600 but I typically just spend less than USD400. having not enough cash is a common reason why travelers are denied entry even when they are already at the airport.

Credit card – Some airports require a copy of the credit report card used when the tickets are booked online. You might also need it as a safety net in case you run short of cash. Some hotels also ask for credit report card for deposit.

Photocopy of the Passport and Visa – just in case you lose your documents, it would be simpler for you to get a replacement if you have a copy. When you’re already in your destination and you’re going out, leave the photocopy in the hotel room if you’re bringing the original with you.

Travel schedule – Make a clear plan of what you want to do and write them down. In case the immigration Officers pick you for a random check, a printed schedule will help convince them that you will really go to your destination to trip and nothing else.

Address and contact number of the Philippine embassy in your destination country – just in case something happens.

A Pen – Yes, the humble pen is important. You will be accomplishing forms.

I typically carry an envelope where I put all these together (except the photocopies and money).

In addition, I have a paper where I write the hotel address, contact number, my passport number, passport expiry date, and flight number. This way, when I’m accomplishing forms, I don’t need to fish out my passport and other documents. I just have one reference page.

What are the typical questions that the immigration Officers ask?

The questions vary from officer to officer. If you’re lucky, the officer will just throw a couple of questions at you and you’re through. but often, here are the questions:

Unde te duci?

When will you return to the Philippines?

Ce vei face acolo?

Whom are you traveling with?

What is your occupation here in the Philippines?

The essential is to answer confidently, consistently, and truthfully.

Sometimes, they will ask follow up questions. Sometimes, you will be subjected to a secondary inspection, which I will discuss below.

What is offloading?

Offloading is the act of pulling a passenger who is already boarded out of an aircraft.

Technically speaking, the Bureau of immigration does not have an offloading policy. They do not get a boarded passenger out of a plane on a regular basis. What they do is they screen passengers and decide if they will allow them to board the plane or not. This process happens before boarding, not after, so this is not really offloading.

However, here in the Philippines, “offloading” has been used as an umbrella term for blocking someone from leaving the country, even if the passenger has not yet boarded. If an immigration officer rejects you at the inspection, numerous Filipinos refer to it as “offloading.” Hence, for the purpose of this article, let’s just use that Filipinized definition of the term.

What can I do to make sure I won’t be offloaded by the Immigration?

The Bureau of immigration has been implementing stricter guidelines lately. According to the bureau, each day around 40 people are offloaded at NAIA terminal 1 alone. three to four in every 50 of these offloaded passengers actually have genuine reasons to go abroad. You don’t want to be one of them.

If you want to make sure you won’t be offloaded, you need to follow the guidelines released to immigration Officers by the bureau. A 2012 memorandum enumerates what the officers should require from departing passengers:


Visa (if applicable)

Filled out departure card

Bilet dus-intors

They typically also ask for your company ID. Then, if they deem necessary, you will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


Nivelul de studii

Financial capability to travel

What does the last item mean? Well, in a nutshell, tourists with no stable source of income in the Philippines and no benefactors who appear to have a different reason for traveling other thanpentru timp liber sunt mult mai susceptibile să fie descărcate. Așadar, dacă în cazul în care sunteți supus unei inspecții secundare, ați dori să aveți următoarele cu voi:

Dacă sunteți angajat, certificat de angajare (cel mai bine dacă vă indică salariul și cât timp ați fost cu compania)

Dacă sunteți angajați pe cont propriu, o copie a certificatului de înregistrare a companiei dvs.

Dacă sunteți freelancer, ar trebui să mai aveți un ITR. Dacă clienții dvs. o plătesc pentru dvs., puteți solicita o copie de la client. De asemenea, puteți solicita clientului dvs. să producă un fișier care să certifice faptul că v -a angajat și detaliile proiectului/contractului.

Dacă sunteți scutiți de taxe, ar trebui să mai aveți un ITR. Deoarece 2018, lucrătorii care câștigă sub P250.000 pe an (P21.000 pe lună) sunt scutiți de la plata impozitelor pe venit. Dar asta nu implică că te scutește de a avea un ITR. Dacă sunteți angajat, puteți obține în continuare o copie a ITR-ului dvs. de la angajator, chiar dacă sunteți scutiți de taxe.

Întotdeauna am o copie atât a ITR -ului meu, cât și a unui „certificat de angajare” de la clienții mei pentru a fi în siguranță.

Pentru mai multe informații despre acest lucru, consultați: Cum să evitați să vă descărcați

Ar trebui să prezint toate aceste fișiere la cabina de imigrare?

Nu. Din nou, de multe ori, ofițerul va cere doar următoarele:

Pașaport (cu Visa, dacă este cazul)

Card de plecare realizat

Bilet dus-intors

ID-ul companiei

Nu prezentați alte fișiere atunci când nu le solicită. Toate celelalte fișiere seamănă mai mult cu plasele de siguranță în cazul în care trebuie să arătați că sunteți angajat.

Răspundeți la întrebările lor cu încredere.

Trebuie să am o rezervare la hotel înainte de zborul meu?

Cel mai bine este să rezervați întotdeauna spații de cazare mai întâi înainte de zbor. Vi se va cere să indicați adresa hotelului dvs. pe cardurile de plecare și sosire, iar ofițerii de imigrare din ambele părți solicită uneori documente hoteliere. Chiar și atunci când fac backpack în mai multe țări, de obicei mă asigur că am rezervat cazare în cel puțin prima mea noapte în următoarea țară pe care o vizitez. Din nou, ai putea merge acolo fără rezervări anterioare, dar dacă vrei să eviți dificultățile de a primi întrebări prea numeroase și tensiunea care vine cu ea, o carte mai bună în avans.

Sunt invitat de o rudă sau de un prieten, am nevoie de o scrisoare de invitație?

În teorie, da, deci, dacă ai putea produce unul, mergi mai departe. Ofițerii de imigrare nu solicită întotdeauna acest lucru, astfel încât numeroși călători invitați sunt în continuare capabili să o facă fără ea. Cu toate acestea, s -ar putea să o ceară doar dacă consideră necesară.

Cel mai sigur lucru de făcut este să produceți o declarație de sprijin sau garanție, notarizată la Ambasada Filipinei. Când ofițerii cer „scrisoare de invitație”, acesta este de fapt dosarul la care se referă, deoarece este formal, legal, obligatoriu și greu de fals.

Oricum, vi se va cere să indicați „adresa dvs. în străinătate” atunci când completați formulare, așa că asigurați -vă că aveți asta. Pentru a fi în siguranță, asigurați -vă că aveți și numărul de contact al prietenului dvs.

Există un show bani? Cât de mult trebuie să am pentru ca ei să mă lase?

Nu mi s -a cerut niciodată să arăt bani, dar știu oameni care au fost. Am fost întrebat de nenumărate ori câți bani am cu mine, dar să nu -l arăt niciodată.

Banii mei de buzunar depind de țara de destinație. Unele sunt mult mai scumpe decât altele. De exemplu, costul vieții în Singapore este cu siguranță mai mare decât în ​​Thailanda. În țări precum Singapore, Hong Kong și Malaezia, aduc de obicei 400 USD pentru o călătorie de 4 zile, 500 USD pentru o călătorie de o săptămână. Dar asta este mult mai mult decât cheltuiesc de fapt. În țări mai puțin costisitoare, precum Cambodgia și Thailanda, alocând 50 USD pe zi. Din nou, asta are o mare indemnizație.

De asemenea, aduc un card de raport de credit, doar în caz.

Unde ar trebui să schimb monede? Este cel mai bine să schimbați în Filipine înainte de călătorie?

Depinde de țara pe care o vizitez. În țări precum Vietnam, Cambodgia, Taiwan, unde PH Peso nu este acceptat pe scară largă în bănci/schimbători de bani, îmi schimb de obicei pesos cu dolari americani aici

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